Nearly 800,000 people with “high risk” pathologies can be vaccinated from today. Among them, patients with cancer undergoing treatment.

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Anti-covid vaccination open to cancer patients on treatment

Without age limit, by prescription and by appointment in city vaccination centers, cancer patients can now be vaccinated against COVID-19. They are in fact more at risk of developing a serious form. Treatments, including chemotherapy, reduce their immune system.

Patients vaccinated before or between their treatments

However, the vaccination of these fragile patients must respect certain rules. “There has been no demonstrated interaction between the vaccine and the treatment, on the effectiveness of the anticancer treatment, explains Dr Florian Scotté, an oncologist at the Institut Gustave Roussy (94). On the other hand, we know that if the vaccine is administered, during treatment, on the day of treatment, there is a risk of poorer efficacy of the vaccination. Hence the recommendation to carry out the intercourse vaccination for patients who are on anticancer treatment such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy. ”

Ideally, patients should be vaccinated before starting treatment. As for patients in remission, they are not for the moment a priority in access to vaccination.