If he looks like any athlete his age, Alexandre actually has cystic fibrosis. In 2017 he had a lung transplant which allows him to embark on new sporting adventures. Meet.

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Despite cystic fibrosis, he embarks on high-level sporting challenges

Sailing, running or football, the list of Alexandre Allain’s passions is long. Faced with so much energy, it is difficult to imagine that this young man of 25 years is suffering from a very serious genetic disease.

Indeed, he suffers from cystic fibrosis, a disease that affects 6,500 people in France. Despite the weight of this disease, the young man has never given up on sport, quite the contrary.

After a lung transplant performed in 2017 which allowed him to escape death, he launched several challenges such as sailing around the Atlantic. He then became the first lung transplant recipient to achieve this performance in December 2019.