Posted on Monday, December 16, 2019
The national days against arterial hypertension (HTA) on December 19 and 20, 2019 aim to:
• To educate the public about high blood pressure and the seriousness of its medical complications.
• To inform about its prevention.
Blood pressure or blood pressure is defined by two pressure figures that express the force exerted by the blood on the arteries: systolic pressure (the highest) and diastolic pressure (the lowest).
Arterial hypertension (hypertension) is an abnormally high blood pressure on the wall of the arteries.
People with high blood pressure don’t always have symptoms. But hypertension can be responsible for headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, heart palpitations and nosebleeds …
Hypertension is a chronic disease which, if left untreated, is one of the main risk factors for a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) *, angina, myocardial infarction, or heart or kidney failure.
* You have to know how to think about the first symptoms of a stroke such as:
• Numbness, weakness or sudden paralysis on one side of the body or limb (arm, leg,
• A deformation of the mouth,
• Speech or comprehension problems,
• Problems with balance, coordination or walking,
• A severe, sudden and unusual headache,
• Blurred or loss of vision.
To be able to act quickly, you must immediately call the SAMU (dial 15).
For the military, It is important during your periodic medical examination to talk to your unit doctor, who will take the correct measurement of your blood pressure and will give you the best advice in the event of an abnormality detected. Treating and regulating your hypertension will help preserve your fitness for service.
Prevention, it is necessary to follow some simple hygieno-dietetic rules:
• Adopt a balanced diet:
o stabilize your salt intake at less than 5 g per day (beware of soft drinks),
o eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day,
o reduce its consumption of total fat and saturated fat,
• Avoid alcohol,
• Maintain a normal weight,
• Practice regular physical activity (walking, climbing stairs, etc.),
• Stop the consumption of tobacco, cannabis,
• Regulate stress,
• Don’t eat a lot of licorice.