To be hypnotized to overcome your phobias, to overcome a psychological trauma thanks to the movements of the eyes. These astonishing treatments belong to the family of brief therapies, techniques which meet with growing success in France. Their goal: to eliminate disabling symptoms in a minimum of time.

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Health survey: Phobias, anxiety, stress… The promises of new therapies. Tonight on France 5

To ask your questions, it’s HERE

CBT, EMDR, hypnosis… These methods with strange names promise to cure fear of flying or crowds, anxiety attacks and OCD in just a few sessions. With their practical solutions and express cures, in 30 years, these new therapies have revolutionized the approach to mental disorders.

Faced with psychoanalysis and its long work of introspection, more and more patients are turning to these techniques to change and get better quickly. From virtual reality to overcome the fear of heights or insects to therapy by trees which promises to reduce stress, the techniques are multiplying.

Is there any scientific evidence for their effectiveness? How to navigate the jungle of brief therapies? Risk of influence, poorly mastered techniques …

Today certain techniques are practiced outside any therapeutic framework. Because anyone can improvise a therapist and open a practice without having obtained any diploma. Between science and beliefs, investigate these therapies that want us good.

The documentary directed by Céline Bittner will be followed by a debate moderated by Marina Carrère d’Encausse.


Prof. Bruno FALISSARD Psychiatrist and professor of public health at Paris-Sud University

Dr Aurélia SCHNEIDER Psychiatrist specialized in behavioral and cognitive therapies

Dr Christophe FAURÉ Psychiatrist and psychotherapist specializing in the support of disruption of life

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