Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2020
The CNMSS no longer sends notification of prior agreement by mail, with some exceptions.
This new measure does not include the written administrative agreements of the CNMSS which remain mandatory before undertaking any spa treatment or health check.
From the date of receipt of a request for prior medical approval, the CNMSS has 15 days to make a decision.
The lack of response from the CNMSS within this period constitutes acceptance and you can then undertake the care or treatment requested.
As of September 1, 2020, as part of a new procedure, the medical services of the CNMSS cease to send you by post, the notification of prior agreements on certain acts and processing, with the exceptions below.
Alone continue to be notified by post :
- agreements for the dispensing of drugs abroad
- transport agreements
- sending S2 forms (rights to planned medical care abroad)
- refusals and limitations (partial medical agreements)