Posted on Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why a 100% health reform?
This important reform, also called “zero RAC” aims to facilitate patient access to quality equipment in terms ofoptical, of dental prosthesis and hearing aids, without charge (RAC).
This reform, which began on January 1, 2019, involves all health players: social security, health professionals and complementary health insurance (mutuals). It will be deployed until 2023.
What is the rest to charge?
This is the amount remaining to be paid by the beneficiary of the care after reimbursement of the compulsory scheme (the CNMSS) and reimbursement of complementary health insurance.
What impacts for the care recipient?
To date, the complementary or mutual part for hearing aids, dental prostheses or optical equipment (glasses and lenses) is reimbursed depending on the level of guarantee of the contract taken out with the complementary health insurance.
There is very often a remainder of uncovered costs, sometimes at the origin of the patient renunciation.
The “100% health” reform can make it possible to benefit from a “zero remainder charge”, under certain conditions, for the type of care detailed in the article below.