Posted on Monday, March 18, 2019
The theme of this 19th day allows us to question our way of life and its consequences on our sleep.
Sleep is a physiological need that allows us to keep our physical and mental capacities to maintain good health. Sleep has two components:
- The quantity: indeed each individual must respect a minimum time of sleep according to his age. It can vary from one individual to another (on average in an adult it takes between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night)
- Quality: a guarantee of good health and good recovery
On the occasion of the 19th day of sleep, the CNMSS offers you to test your knowledge on the subject.
Sleep centers or specialized structures are also opening their doors, with the participation of associations of patients and health education, in order to welcome, inform and educate the public on sleep disorders and hygiene. .
The military’s sleep and lifestyle
The armed forces are particularly interested in the problem of fatigue management, because of the specificities and constraints linked to the exercise of the military profession (missions, on-call duty, staggered hours, etc.).
The guide “Better living the deployment for soldiers and their families” provides you with information on the topic of sleep quality as well as military support, moral support, accompaniment and social protection before, during and after deployment.
Source National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance INSV