Posted on Monday, April 25, 2022

Let’s remain vigilant and maintain our prevention efforts

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by species of parasites of the genus Plasmodium transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito of the genus Anopheles.

According to the WHO, malaria affected 241 million people worldwide in 2020 (in 91 countries) and caused approximately 627,000 deaths. In France, there are 5,500 cases of importation each year.

Disease symptoms

The signs of the disease are very diverse but marked by high and repeated peaks of fever (called malaria attack) which can be accompanied by nausea, chills, headaches, body aches, fatigue…

From the first symptoms during a stay in a malarial area or in the months following the return, a doctor must be consulted urgently to carry out an early diagnosis and the implementation of a treatment in order to avoid a serious form. even fatal.

Preventive treatment

A preventive antimalarial treatment is essential before, during and after the stay in the exposed zones. This treatment is prescribed by a doctor who takes into account the areas visited, the length of stay and the person (age, pathological history, intolerance to antimalarials, possible drug interaction, pregnancy).

Preventive treatment for soldiers assigned to an area where malaria is rife is paid for by the Armed Forces Health Service.

Your family accompanies you: For your assigns, the CNMSS covers all expenses related to preventive antimalarial treatment prescribed by a doctor (antimalarial drugs are only delivered in France on medical prescription).

A vaccine is available against malaria targeting the P.falciparum parasite. It is intended for children living in a pandemic zone only.

Protective measures (Skin repellents)

Protection against mosquito bites is achieved by:

  • applying mosquito repellents to the skin,
  • the use of mosquito net impregnated with insecticide,
  • the wearing of protective clothing mainly from sunset to sunrise when mosquitoes are particularly rampant and impregnated with insecticides for fabric if necessary.

In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding, and for children, your doctor or pharmacist will give you the necessary advice.

Inside the houses, the fight against mosquitoes is based in particular on the use of aerosols, continuous diffusion insecticides, air conditioning, the installation of mosquito nets… It is recommended to remove all stagnant water points (old tires, bottles, etc. likely to become mosquito reservoirs.

The CNMSS has decided as part of its prevention actions to cover the skin repellent products necessary to fight against mosquitoes for rights holders authorized to accompany the soldier.

You will find on the website of the CNMSS the list of repellents and how to get a refund

Notice “Mosquito, when you bite us”

Guide to departure Overseas and abroad

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