During his interview on Tuesday, February 2 on TF1, the Head of State estimated that 80% of residents of nursing homes, or 500,000 consenting people, will be vaccinated “at the beginning of March”.

As for the rest of the population, he promised a general vaccination of all adults who wish to be vaccinated “by the end of the summer”. He also took the opportunity to replace vaccination in France within the framework of that of the European Union.

“Collectively (…) responsible”

The president acknowledged that the vaccination rate “may seem too slow” compared to other countries such as Great Britain or the United States, but the vaccination campaign “is proceeding at the rate that was planned (… ) it’s exactly the same pace, the same solution as our German neighbors and our other European neighbors “, he pleaded.

The strategy adopted by France with Germany and the European Union “is precisely to vaccinate in Europe” continued the president. But he defended himself by asserting that “it is not France’s vaccination strategy. , which will make it possible to avoid in the short term a reconfinement or not. ”He asked the French to be“ collectively extraordinarily responsible ”.

Angela Merkel, also criticized for the slowness of the vaccination, also promised the Germans on Monday a general vaccination “by the end of the summer”.

Four new production sites in France

The production of anti-Covid vaccines should begin in late February or early March in four sites on French soil, assured Emmanuel Macron. Delpharm is to produce the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, Recipharm the Moderna and Fareva the CureVac vaccine, which has yet to be licensed. The Sanofi site meanwhile, should not produce until the second quarter.

“We must succeed in mobilizing all the laboratories that allow the production of these vaccines” he pleaded. share with all those who can produce it “continued the president. He believes that today, the” constraint is not the intellectual property of vaccines but the capacity to produce these vaccines in large quantities “.

The Head of State also announced that the AstraZeneca vaccine, approved on Friday by the European authority, would be reserved for those under 65 in France, as recommended by the French High Authority of Health, and could be administered by pharmacists and midwives. It will probably first be used for caregivers under 60 and then “offered by age groups” starting with the oldest, he explained.

Soon the Russian vaccine in France?

The scientific journal The Lancet has just confirmed the effectiveness of the Russian vaccine with the Sputnik-V viral vector, considered to be more than 91% effective. Emmanuel Macron said he was open to its use if it is approved by the health authorities. He said that the European Union had already secured 2.3 billion doses, which will allow doses to be forecast for emerging countries.

“Finally, pharmacists, general practitioners and liberal nurses will be able to vaccinate!”, Welcomed Renaud Muselier, president (LR) of Régions de France.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of LFI, mocked those who dismissed the Russian vaccine. “Where are the scoffers? The worst for them will happen: a Cuban vaccine in free license!”, He quipped. However Fabien Roussel (PCF) said he was incredulous on the majority vaccination of over 75s in February and Jordan Bardella, number 2 of the RN, regretted “the absence of any industrial strategy” for French production.