Drug addicts better supervised and the risks to their health reduced. According to the study of INSERM, the lower-risk consumption rooms deployed in Paris and Strasbourg have enabled an overall reduction of 10% in risky injections, likely to transmit HIV or hepatitis C.

Reduced risks for users

Another lesson: with these rooms, injections on public roads, more risky, drop by 15%, and the risk of ending up in emergencies drops by 24%. The health of drug addicts would therefore be less in danger.

The users who frequent the room will also have the possibility of having access to social workers, to psychiatrists to be taken in charge also on aspects other than the infectious risk, such as the insertion, the access to the hospital. accommodation. “, according to Marie Jauffret-Roustide sociologist at INSERM who coordinated part of the study.

Public tranquility guaranteed

Another aspect studied: the public tranquility around these rooms. Local residents are divided: some complain of nuisance, others see a decrease in outdoor injections. According to the study, the number of syringes found in the district of the room of the 10th arrondissement of Paris has been divided by 3 since its opening. Moreover, the researchers did not find any deterioration in public tranquility.

Finally, financially, lower risk consumption rooms would save money. According to projections, it is estimated that nearly 11 million euros in medical costs will be reduced over ten years.