With more than 5,900 people hospitalized in intensive care units, the influx of covid 19 patients continues to worry doctors. Pr Stéphane Gaudry, resuscitator, answered questions from the Health Magazine.

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Resuscitation: “We see very young patients entering”

“We see very young patients entering and who die at an age when they would still have had decades of healthy life” deplores Professor Stéphane Gaudry, resuscitator at the Avicenne hospital in Seine-Saint-Denis. This can be explained by the fact that the virus has circulated more among populations aged 20 to 60 years.

Very frequent overweight

The patient profile is also of concern to health professionals. “In these hospitalized patients, we do not find respiratory pathologies, but we find overweight, a usual risk factor. We consider overweight from a BMI greater than 25 or 26 and this corresponds to 40% of the population. It is therefore a very, very common comorbidity ” explains the professor. In Île-de-France, the peak of hospitalization would be expected at the end of April.

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