“Hire someone with autism. It’s in their best interests, it’s in your business’ interests, it’s in all of our interests.
These words stand out on the home page of the Association Living and working differently. Created in December 2014, it sets up the integration of people with moderate to severe autism, by putting these people in contact with businesses and medical-social organizations. More than 1 in 100 people have autistic disorders, a rate which underlines the importance of professional integration.
“In recent years in France, commendable and important efforts have been made in the diagnosis and care of children and adolescents, points out Jean-François Dufresne, president of the association Living and working differently.
But for people with autism who have reached adulthood, the solutions proposed today are insufficient in number, very expensive and not always adapted to an autistic population which is very diverse in terms of potential and capacities. The principle consists of offering adults with moderate to severe disorders a permanent job in the factory, open accommodation and activities promoting their integration and development.“
The great strength of the system is to associate the actors of the industrial sphere, the public sector (the regional health agency and the local communities) and the associative fabric, to facilitate the professional integration of autistic people and their accommodation.
“Model employees”
According to Pôle emploi, only 10 to 20% of adults with autism have access to employment. A paradox underlined by the association since they present skills sought after in the factory. Endowed with capacities of concentration and precision, a taste for repetitive operations, they prove to be methodical, perfectionist and reliable workers.
“What handicaps them also makes them model employees is their strengthexclaims Yenny Gorce, general manager of the association and author of the book “Easy! A little practical guide to successful inclusion in the workplace” published by Editions Télémaque. The companies involved are in the logistics industry, mainly agro-food and cosmetics, such as Andros, GIFI and L ‘Oréal.“
However, certain conditions are essential for successful integration: “the workstation must be adapted and we pass on know-how to the company and to all the actors involved, continues the director of the association. Adults with autism need to be prepared and supported in the business, with tools that are accessible to them at their level of understanding. “
A win-win system
Currently, around twenty employees are inserted according to Yenny Gorce but within 2 years, a CDI will be offered to more than 110 people with autism. They then have the same salary as the other employees in the same position and with the same conditions, such as profit-sharing. A team of autism specialists acts as the intermediary between the autistic employees and the company, throughout the CDI.
“The returns from companies are extraordinary, says Yenny Gorce. Companies are even more committed and involved than us, they are mobilizing! “
In addition to this commitment, companies derive several benefits: the turnover in these positions is also reduced thanks to the taste for repetitive tasks and there is no loss of performance or productivity since the functioning of people with autism. offers a constant level of focus that non-autistic employees will not have.
In addition, the hiring of disabled workers illustrates the human values of the company and allows employees to have a unique experience.
This is called a win-win device …