Tears make sense of our feelings, teach others about our condition, and help us overcome emotions that words cannot alleviate.
Barely out of our mother’s womb and until the end of our life, it happens, more or less often, to have tears running down our cheeks.
We cry for many reasons, when we are sad, when we cut onions, when we have dust in our eyes …
Tears materialize our tears
They are produced above our eyes. Below the bone of our brow bone, there is a gland which is controlled by a nerve, the lacrimal gland, it secretes tears and when it produces too much and well we cry.
Tears, an important physiological role
These tear glands work continuously. Even when we don’t cry, we produce tears, which spread over our eyes. Less than half a teaspoon per day. This is called the tear film.
In these tears, you find water, antibacterial agents, lipids too… These tears are used to hydrate and protect our eyes and more particularly the cornea.
At the Quinze-Vingt hospital, Doctor Nawal Amar, ophthalmologist explains that there are basic tears and reflex tears, which both protect us.
What triggers the sobs?
When you are happy, sad, or angry … you have tears of emotion. The cause and effect link still remains a puzzle for researchers.
Animals howl when they are afraid or in pain, but only human beings shed tears of sadness or joy. It is a body language unique to our species. Only humans would cry to communicate their emotions, it’s a bit of a cry for help and our brain would probably have a role to play in this process.
Our tears are used to hydrate our eyes, they are not visible. On the other hand, when they sink, it is either to protect the eyes from external aggression or then a way for the brain to get rid of too strong an emotional load. Often, moreover, this is very good!