A term unknown in 2015, but which nevertheless becomes a subject of public health for 76% of French people today: menstrual insecurity. It concerns 20% of women in France, according to the association Elementary Rules who publishes a survey conducted by Opinion Way on menstrual insecurity on the occasion of World Menstrual Hygiene Day.

This means that one in five women in France has already been faced with the difficulty of obtaining hygienic protection and care related to menstruation. 11% of them were confronted with it personally, 10% via someone in their circle.

Read also: Menstrual insecurity: when having your period is expensive

A subject too little invested

According to this survey, the subject is known but a lack of education and a great taboo persist. 57% of survey respondents believe that periods are taboo in society, and 47% have not heard of periods until they reach puberty.

For 76% of French people, menstrual insecurity is a public health issue. But 61% of them believe that the public authorities still play an insufficient role.

Rules in the business world

According to this survey, 44% of women have missed work or know someone who has missed work because of their period. 71% of working people, or more than 7 in 10 working people, say that there have never been any hygiene products available in the companies where they worked.

So 73% of respondents are in favor of making free hygienic protection available in companies.

In France, Senator Patricia Schillinger recommended in October 2019 to experiment with free hygiene protection. But the file has remained pending since.