Posted on Tuesday November 15th, 2016

A new tele-service from the CNMSS both secure, simple and quick to carry out your requests for prior agreements online.

You are orthoprosthetist, podo-orthoprosthetist, ocularist or vehicle dealer for the physically disabled.

You have among your patients beneficiaries of the article L. 212-1 (ex article L-115) of the Code of military invalidity pensions and war victims (CPMIVG).

Make your requests for prior agreements online on the website of the CNMSS.

By this safe, simple and fast way:

  • your shipment is secure;
  • response times are shortened;
  • an acknowledgment of receipt and a copy of the declaration are sent to you;
  • your request is directly directed to the medical control service.

Since the launch of the teleservice, many orthoprosthetists, podo-orthotists, ocularists and vehicle dealers for the physically disabled regularly use this method of sending, faster and less expensive than sending postal mail.